My neighborhood websites are all about neighbors helping neighbors. When you are listed in the referral directory the community members will see your listing. This can help brand your business and lead to more referrals. Best of all, there is no cost to be listed. GET LISTED NOW
Show the community you support their website by posting the My neighborhood sticker in your door or window.
Show the community you support their website by posting the My neighborhood sticker in your door or window.
Grow Your Business- Get your business listed.
When a neighbor posts a referral they are essentially providing the business with the best form of advertising possible…word of mouth. This is a genuine endorsement and it carries a lot of power. Neighbors are going to use businesses who have been referred by other neighbors. So how do you get neighbors to recommend you? Start by being listed in the directory.
How to earn referrals?

You could try the business card on the door step idea? Or you could place one direct customized advertisement on the neighborhood website. Maybe even offer a great discount or coupon to earn that first client. Because your ad is customizable you are able to pick and choose what type of ad works best and in what community. Once you've earned one referral you can use that to build a second customer. Learn more about advertising options HERE